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Blogs & News

When Should I Change My Running Shoes?

We know, we know, running shoes aren’t cheap. But, as you use your shoes, mile after mile they eventually begin to lose their cushioning, stability, and shock absorption.

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Discovery Place Education Studio, Charlotte NC

OrthoCarolina joined Discovery Place to celebrate the opening of the new Discovery Place Education Studio at a ceremonial ribbon cutting at Bank of America STEM Center for Career Development on May 29.

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Research Update: Mastectomy and Upper Body Extremities

Mastectomy is a common treatment for women with breast cancer. Some patients that need a mastectomy also have to have other lymph node tissue removed from the axillary (armpit) region on the same side that the breast tissue was removed from.

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See Kristan Run

Kristan Seaford miraculously survived severe complications from the flu, but the loss of blood flow during treatment resulted in the amputation of both hands, her left lower leg and a portion of her right foot...

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Muscle Balance for Your Hips

(And why you shouldn’t sit all day)

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Cycling is a great sport, hands down. Even when you break one.

Up in the Appalachian Mountains, we love cycling. I ride with High Country Development, a group of cyclists all under the age of 25 who are full-time college students.

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A Different Kind of Bodywork: How OrthoCarolina Works with NASCAR Teams

By the time “Drivers, start your engines!” roars above the din of an excited NASCAR crowd, the OrthoCarolina Motorsports team has been at work for many hours.

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Spine Center’s Dr. Milam Performs Two-Level Cervical Disc Replacement

OrthoCarolina spine surgeon Alden Milam has performed a two-level cervical disc replacement procedure utilizing a novel medical device recently approved by the FDA. The procedure was the first FDA approved two-level disc replacement in the state of North Carolina.

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Mallard Creek Surgery Center Opens at OrthoCarolina University Location

Mallard Creek Surgery Center is now open at OrthoCarolina’s University location, offering outpatient procedures and orthopedic surgical services for patients of all ages.

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A Need for Speed: How a NASCAR Pit Crew Deals with Injury Risk

OrthoCarolina’s motorsports team takes care of crew and drivers during the long NASCAR season. The care they provide runs the spectrum from injury diagnosis, care, pre- and post-op treatment, to physical therapy and more.

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Diane Had Knee Surgery. And Then Ran the Boston Marathon in 3:39.

At 49, Diane Lancaster’s health resume is already impressive. She’s a runner, fitness instructor, triathlete, former collegiate athlete and registered dietician. She had run 5 Boston Marathons and was preparing for her sixth in 2014.

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Occupational Therapy: A Tribute to a Special Patient

Throughout my 20+ year career as an occupational therapist and certified hand therapist, I have found the most rewarding part of my job to be the collaborative process with my patients.

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Spring into Baseball: Tips for a Successful Season

After a long and brutal winter, spring has finally sprung in the Carolinas. For many of us, that means one thing – BASEBALL!

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How Do Orthopedic Surgeons Contribute to College Athletics?

If you know OrthoCarolina, you know that we’re passionate about sports, including our local and regional college teams...

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Small kids, big injuries

Read more on what Dr. Christian Clark with OrthoCarolina Pediatrics told the Charlotte Observer about overuse injury risks in children:

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NoDa Run Club: How running and beer bring a community together

After thousands of miles and countless beers, NoDa Brewing Run Club has converted marathon runners into IPA fiends and craft beer snobs into PR machines.

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A bout with a devastating injury: How a Charlotte Roller Girl got back on her feet

It was just a standard practice for Lorissa Shepstone and the Charlotte Roller Girls last September...

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19 Running Injury-Prevention Tips from OrthoCarolina Experts

19 Running Injury-Prevention Tips from OrthoCarolina Experts

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