Orthopedic Library
What Time of Day is Best to Work Out?
It really depends on who you ask, but more importantly, it really depends on you.
Read MoreFit Tip Friday – Training the Posterior (Back) Muscle Groups
Our back is made up of a group of muscles that work together to support our everyday activities like lifting children, running , and even sitting at our desk with good posture.
Read MoreApril is National Occupational Therapy Month
I’m an occupational therapist, and it’s somewhat ironic that spring coincides with National Occupational Therapy Month in April...
Read MoreFit Tip Friday — Side Bridge
Core exercises are important for everyone, but people with lower back pain can especially benefit from extra focus on the core.
Read MoreBehind the Scenes: Athletic Training at the College Level
At Belmont Abbey, we strive to educate our students in three areas: body, mind, and spirit. In athletics, we focus a little more on the body area and work to keep our athletes in optimal physical condition both to prevent injury and to compete at a high level.
Read MorePlantar Fasciitis: What to Know
Plantar fasciitis affects nearly 2 million Americans each year, with over 10% of the population suffering from this condition at some point over their lifetime.
Read MoreWhat We’re Doing in Physical Therapy -- Y Balance Test
As those of us in the therapy world look to get more objective and evidence-based, incorporating new tools can certainly make our jobs easier.
Read MoreWhat We’re Doing in Physical Therapy: Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)
Soft-tissue injuries sometimes happen gradually, such as overuse issues in athletes or people who do repetitive physical work
Read MoreTreating Position-Specific Injuries in NASCAR: Upper Extremities
Fast fact: As of 2013 there were 3,000 published injury studies on football, 1,000 each on baseball and basketball, 140 on bowling, 43 on arm-wrestling and 7 on tug-of-war. NASCAR injury studies? There were 3.
Read MoreOrthoCarolina to bundle knee, hip replacement costs
Instead of waiting for change to be imposed, doctors at Charlotte’s OrthoCarolina, one of the region’s largest physician groups, have taken the lead in adopting a system to simplify billing and improve coordination of care.
Read MoreWhat is Hand Therapy?
As a specialty practice of occupational and physical therapy, hand therapy focuses on orthopedic conditions that affect the upper extremities (hands and arms).
Read MoreCommon Foot Conditions Treated with Orthotics
OrthoCarolina providers can refer patients to Performance Orthotics
Read MoreWorld Physical Therapy Day
Our physical therapists at OrthoCarolina play a vital role in keeping our patients healthy, improving movement, managing pain, promoting healing, and are often an important part of rehabilitation for those with chronic conditions.
Read MoreWhat is Arthritis of the Foot?
Arthritis is very common in middle age and we see it often in the foot.
Read MoreWhat We’re Doing in Physical Therapy -- Dry Needling
When we contract our muscles repetitively, such as motion in sports activities, jobs or stress-related muscle tension, sensitive trigger points can develop within the muscle itself along the fascia that cover and protect them.
Read MoreHow Orthotics Can Help Your Feet
Faulty alignment in your feet can create havoc and pain in the entire body...
Read MoreBasic Sling Wear Instructions
Post-Rotator Cuff Repair, OrthoCarolina Matthews Physical Therapy
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