Orthopedic Library
The Ultimate List: Our Top 50 Tips for Running Your First Race
Running your first race can be scary, exhilarating and everything in between.
Read MoreIndoor Cycling and Your Core
Exercise and staying fit is a big part of Dr. David Anderson’s life.
Read MoreWhy the Core Muscles are Different from Other Muscles
The core is the part of the human body located between the pelvic floor and diaphragm, and its main job is to hold and protect your spine.
Read MoreTop Achievements in Charlotte Medicine 2015 - Thomas Ferhing
In an effort to improve the quality of care available in their community, these doctors are making Charlotte a leader in medical research, training, and education
Read MoreTop Achievements in Charlotte Medicine 2015 - Glenn Gaston
In an effort to improve the quality of care available in their community, these doctors are making Charlotte a leader in medical research, training, and education
Read MoreDo you get back pain from sitting at your desk?
Ergonomics and the “90-90-90 Position”: Why ‘how’ you sit is so important
Read MoreA Helping Hand: Meet Sarah Blanchard, Occupational Therapy Hand Resident
National Hand Therapy Week
Read MoreWhy Position-Specific Injuries are Common in NASCAR
“In what other sport do you get a 15-second break every hour?” –Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
Read MoreHow Tony Stewart, Kyle Busch got back on track
OrthoCarolina, a Charlotte orthopedic clinic. Over the past decade, OrthoCarolina staff members have become as much a part of the NASCAR traveling circus as the other regulars who roam the same roads as drivers, crews and officials.
Read MoreA Helping Hand: How Occupational Therapy Helps Patients with Artificial Limbs
In occupational therapy, we often work with prostheses, or artificial devices that replace a part of the human body that may have been lost due to trauma or accident, congenital conditions or other reasons.
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