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Robert Morgan, MD

The Inspiring Journey of Central Cabarrus High School Boy's Basketball Team

OrthoCarolina is proud to provide excellence in orthopedics for all. Join us in celebrating Gavin, Micah, and Jake's return to the Central Cabarrus Basketball court after being in the specialized care of Dr. Robert Morgan.

Holiday Safety Tips from OrthoCarolina

Click here to learn about Holiday Safety Tips from OrthoCarolina

Exploring the Body from the Inside Out: Athletic Injuries

Our panel of sports medicine specialists look at the causes and treatments of common sports injuries including ACL and meniscus tears, shoulder dislocation, rotator cuff tears and more in this edition of our Orthopedic Anatomy Series: Exploring Your Body from the Inside Out.

​I Chose to Become a Doctor Because...

For many physicians, taking care of others is their life’s work and the ultimate calling. In honor of Doctors’ Day on March 30, we asked our doctors why they chose the medical field.

Step Inside the Operating Room with OrthoCarolina

Dr. Robert Morgan and Scot Rheinecker, PA, perform a partial rotator cuff surgery. This video takes viewers through the entire process and addresses some FAQs about the type of surgery.

Step inside the Operating Room: OrthoCarolina to Live Stream Partial Rotator Cuff Surgery on Facebook

Dr. Robert “Bobby” Morgan will perform the Regeneten Rotator Cuff Bioinductive Implant surgical procedure, a new technology designed to improve the treatment of rotator cuff disease, live on Facebook.

How does a patch repair a rotator cuff tear?

With bovine collagen helping the body use its own natural ability to heal, patients see less pain and half the recovery time as compared to traditional surgery. Plus, find out how you can see this procedure performed LIVE!