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Master of Medical Science: Physician Assistant Studies, Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Master of Science in Management: Wake Forest University School of Business
Bachelor of Science: Biology, Elon University
- NCCPA Board Certified Physician Assistant
- North Carolina Medical Board Licensed Physician Assistant
- South Carolina Medical Board Licensed Physician Assistant
- DEA License
- Basic Life Support (BLS)
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Wake Forest School of Business Honorable Pillar Award
● Recognizes a student whose actions, commitments, and personal values reflect the educational priority of developing and supporting honorable businesspersons. The recipient is recognized for demonstrating abilities to lead ethically and exhibit personal strengths as an example for others
Wake Forest School of Medicine Emerging Leaders Program
● Highly selective and unique dual-degree program combining Master of Science in Management and Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies degrees to equip future healthcare leaders
Dr. J. Earl Danieley Leadership Award, 2019
● Exemplary student leader on campus who has made a significant commitment of time and energy to enact change and development in their organization
Elon College Fellow
● Four-year academic honors program focused on interdisciplinary and breadth of studies in the arts and sciences with a concentration in undergraduate research
Campbell, A; Keller, E; Lewis, T; Smith, L. Impact of Food Prescription Programs on Health Outcomes for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Master of Medical Science Graduate Project, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 11/2021
Keller, E.; Lewis, T.; Monaghan, L.; Smith, L. Wake Forest School of Medicine DEAC Clinic Marketing and Recruitment. Master of Science in Management Graduate Project, Wake Forest University School of Business, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 5/2020
Chen, C.; Keller, E.; Kilpatrick, D.; Liu, Y.; Sharpe, T. Cedar Fair Amusement. Action Learning Project Presentations, Wake Forest University School of Business, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 12/2019
Chen, C.; Keller, E.; Kilpatrick, D.; Liu, Y.; Sharpe, T. Cigna Case Competition. Master of Science in Management Case Competition, Wake Forest University School of Business, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 10/2019
Keller, E. Balancing with Bias: The Effects of transcranial direct Current Stimulation on Implicit Bias During Complex Motor Tasks, Society for Neuroscience Conference, San Diego, CA 11/2018, Elon Student Undergraduate Research Forum, Department of Exercise Science, Elon University, Elon, NC 4/2018
Keller, E. Perceptions of Implicit Bias and Bias Training in Healthcare Providers: A Study of Physician Assistants, Student Undergraduate Research Forum, Department of Exercise Science, Elon, University, Elon, NC 4/2019